15 January 2009

ping ping! mindless crap


I just made onion soup!  'Cept I didn't really know how, so I just sort of chopped up two huge onions and put them in broth...it tastes okay though.  Today was a lot better than anticipated, because usually on Thursdays I have to stay at school from 8 till 4 and then do two hours of tutoring.  But I didn't have to go to class for periods
 3-5 and had free time till period 8, so I basically went home at 9:20 and took a nap until I had to go back to school at 2:00.  THEN I only had to do the 8th lesson and the 9th got cancelled!  YAY!  And THEN I only had 1.5 hours of tutoring!  SUPER YAY!

I am so glad it's the weekend.  Maybe I'll have the honor of losing at Risk again?


Me with a crazy unidentifiable dumpling with cherries!  I was so excited because it was SO YUMMY

Rix, Lydi, me, Anne, Timo!  Best WG in the world!  (Tini would've been in it too but she was in Stockholm  *jealousy*)

Plans for tonight:  Eat soup, watch the Big Bang Theory, try to think of a better blog entry.  In terms of profundity, this thing is definitely not a medal-winner.

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