29 September 2008
bureaucracy sucks
28 September 2008
25 September 2008
24 September 2008
crappy mornings
21 September 2008
My freeloading days have an expiration date!
20 September 2008
18 September 2008
A puppy-shaped hole in my world
17 September 2008
14 September 2008
I am beaming
Beer. Weekend adventures
11 September 2008
Game Show, Nothing Else of Substance
09 September 2008
08 September 2008
IN KÖLN OMG11!!!111
-at kfc, there is a giant sign that says "BOXMASTER"
-a chinese restaurant called "WOK-MAN"
-an old lady barking like a dog
-a giant neon sign of a face drinking a beer
-a shop called "lady's toys"
-Germans seem to be vaguely sympathic to hurricanes and think that people who live in their paths are dumb. They like to remind us of this.
-My mentor has a painting of Stewie from Family Guy in his living room. AWESOME
-Speaking of Family Guy, the dubbed German voices are AWFUL. And Quagmire doesn't even say "giggidy."
NOTE TO SELF: Germans are NOT afraid to yell at´people who break rules like eating a roll on a tram. It is freaking scary to be yelled at by a random German. How did I manage to forget that little fact? (Yes. I ate a roll on the tram. When the guy told me to put it in the trash I glared and put it in my purse. I was NOT going to give up my roll)
I possibly won't have internet for the next few days unless I get my bum to a net cafe, so get pumped for a sweet entry at the end of the week.
06 September 2008
Commence the Invasion
Yeah, it seems that recently I’ve developed an intolerance for flying in airplanes. The large Indian man behind me won’t let me recline my chair, making sleep almost impossible in a 90-degree body position (despite sleep enhancers and complimentary red wine; thanks, British Airways!). The boy next to me wants to use the toilet and almost spills my wine everywhere in the process, and I experience a brief feeling of terror as I peer behind the seat, hoping the wine has not stained the Indian man’s khaki pants. I poke at my dinner and eat some rice, promptly expelling it afterwards via my throat. MEAN NASTY AIRPLANES
Relief upon relief! I am fetched by Lothar and Anne (my mentor and his woman). They live in the St. Pauli district, which is peppered with sex shops (due to its close proximity to the Reeperbahn—more on that later) and tasty döner kebaps (gyro stands). We wander around a bit and eat and have espresso; my prayers are thus answered. A street fair boasts many trendy teenagers in skinny jeans and emo scarves, plus an array of people wearing pretty spiffy sneaks and sporting even spiffier haircuts. Once when I worked in the Writing Center at Dickinson I read a paper in which the author used the word “spiffier” to describe a character’s actions. I therefore use it now in homage to the poorly written English papers of yore.
In the attempt to feebly hang on to my sparse readership, I will try to document more interesting things than my puke-tastic plane rides and boring daily activities. Pictures await you! Strange German tales will be told! A fanbase will be created and rendered into minions to do my every bidding!
That said, I’m beat. One last thing: a person from Hamburg is called a Hamburger or Hamburgerin. It is, much to my disappointment, not a metropolis populated by walking sandwich-like entrees.