14 September 2008

I am beaming

Yo peeps.  I just had to pop in and say that i am essentially falling in lurrrv with hamburg.  I just got back from jogging in Planten und Blomen (a park whose name is Plattdeutsch for Pflanzen und Blumen, which means plants and flowers.  Plattdeutsch is a northern German dialect) and it was absolutely gorgeous, with canals and lots of bridges and stairs leading to the water.  For Dickinson people:  I almost tripped because they even have gray chairs that look very similar to our red Adirondacks!  AND to excite me even more (is that possible?) there were Chinese musicians playing pretty Chinese traditional music.  *beams*

I'm happy =D

Also, I saw my first tranny today!!!!!  *beams again*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love your blog reports re: Hamburg-