28 September 2008


Phillies won!  Werder Bremen won!  Looks like my kind of weekend, pal.

But WAHHHH I am sad that we don't have Paul Newman anymore.  For my coffee maker at Dickinson I always used to get Newman's Own coffee and I thought to myself, "Man, Paul Newman has been around for forever."  He was a pretty much the definition of a class act.

I bought a copy of Der Kleine Prinz (The Little Prince) at the flea market for fifty cents.  I thought it was about time I read it.  I am kind of brain dead this morning, so I'll just make some lists:

Stuff I miss other than the obvious family, friends, and puppies:

-Having a food processor so I can make delicious hummus.  Oh man, I miss hummus.  The Germans need to catch on to that stuff.
-Having a camera that works
-Working at the bookstore this summer.  It really was kind of fun.
-College.  Enough said.
-Drinkable tap water.  I don't really know how safe the water in Hamburg is, but I guess that since my well water at home in PA is deliciously extra-hard water, I could probably drink the water here and not feel sick.  Sometimes I get sick of the bubbly water everyone drinks in Europe...
-Local PA stuff like Martin's BBQ potato chips.  So unhealthy, so delicious.

Stuff I am thinking about:
-telling my bank that I'm in Europe so they don't put a hold on my account and prevent me from having money
-figuring out how to pay my last cell phone bill since they got rid of my online payments and I suspect a bill was sent to my home in PA
-figuring out that insufferable crap regarding getting a master's degree
-other boring crap that doesn't belong in my blog for it will severely impede its pursuit of awesomeness

Song of the day:  "Lapland" by Ratatat.  Maybe today I'll be extra nerdy and make some fun playlists.  They might be: Skandinavien (weird Scandinavian stuff), Doppelgängers (songs with the same title...this happens a lot, surprisingly enough), and Turbo-Nostalgia Saga with songs from my kid days up until now (that's gonna be an epic one). 

GAHH I am really, REALLY boring today.  Blah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's pretty boring in America except for crazy fuckin economic problems everywhere.

Want a care package of PA, USA goodies sometime in the future? I could use some more of that lip pflege red chap stick (which is actually from Italy, but every where in germany I think)?